Scratcher Pools

To order a Scratcher Pool, please first Login or Register if you are new to EZ Pooling.
Weekly Pool Selections
Please check one or more of the following pools you would like to join, then click the Save button below. Once this screen shows that the pool is Completed, you can reorder by checking the pool.
Special Instructions

The Process

We will add you to the list for whichever Scratcher Pool or Pools you order. We will update this screen once you are assigned to a pool and again once the winnings have been posted to your account. We also send out an email showing you an image of the unscratched tickets, and a follow-up email later in the day with an image from the lottery terminal print-out and images of the ticket winners.

"Waiting" under the category "Assigned" means we are waiting for 10 players before we have enough players to consider the pool ready to process. We will then update this screen with the date assigned and the pool will be processed the same day shortly thereafter the assignment.

Although we receive orders 24/7, pools are assembled, Assigned and Completed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Once in a while we get sufficient additional orders for a pool on Thursday, but not very often. So, if you see that your request has not been Assigned, it will most likely be Assigned and Completed on Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week.

The Payment

Unless you instruct us differently, we will use your balance if it is sufficient to pay for the pool, otherwise, we will charge you the price of the pool.

Automatic Renewal

If you would like to be on our auto-renew schedule for once a week or once a month, just let us know in the Special Instructions section above. When we periodically change scratcher games, you will automatically be included in the new replacement game, which will be the same price scratcher. You can always change your selection or stop it by just emailing us at [email protected] and we will send you a confirmation.

Cash Explosion
Current Prizes – updated every Monday
$2,500,000 - 4 prizes
$50,000 - 7 prizes
$10,000 - 28 prizes
$5,000 - 93 prizes
$1,000 - 930 prizes
$500 - 22,862 prizes
$200 - 62,179 prizes
$100 - 174,056 prizes
$50 - 254,183 prizes
$40 - 275,407 prizes
$30 - 403,115 prizes
$20 - 1,043,563 prizes
$5,000,000 LUXE
Current Prizes – updated every Monday
$5,000,000 - 4 prizes
$100,000 - 8 prizes
$10,000 - 294 prizes
$1,000 - 4,925 prizes
$500 - 48,766 prizes
$200 - 126,946 prizes
$100 - 439,091 prizes
$75 - 1,244,346 prizes
One Moment Please